970-371-6141 [email protected]


UpamperU is a family owned and operated home spa consult company. Learning to take care of yourself is the key to a more content and happy life. We are proud to teach you how to pamper yourself for less than a traditional spa. UpamperU understands the mind-body-spirit connection, and have shown many loyal customers how to actively relax. We all need to rebuild ourselves from the damage of stress to the body and soul.

Are you overworked and overstressed; caught up in the high paced world. Seeing the toll it takes on our lives.  Overworking the body and spirit have an adverse effect on your physical health and interpersonal relationships.

We have learned that helping others has uplifted our spirits.

We believe that beauty of body and spirit comes from healing and relaxation. We are friendly and welcome you to call for personal service anytime. You will be glad you did.


angie castro

Why I Make Soap

I am always asked why did I start making soap? Easy answer “Essential Oils”. Looking into how beneficial essential oils are on the skin and to the body. I started thinking about the other stuff I was using on my body, like soap. I decided to try and make my own and add essential oils. I had to spend a lot of time researching to find the best way to add the oils to the soap in order to make the soap great and not destroy the beneficial effects of the oils. My husband has always stood there and said to keep trying, with his support I have made a lot of bad batches to get to the right recipe. Always using the best ingredients to make it better and better, like shea butter and coconut oil.

Once I figured out how to make great soap, I made some for me and my family and to my surprise they came out great. In the 6 years that I have been making this soap I have had no bad feedback from its use. I am very proud of the progress I have made and my customers satisfaction.

I also have an artistic side that loves pretty things. I quickly got tired of making plain square bars. I found great designed molds to use and I also put things together that I knew would look good. I love food so some of the soap I make looks a lot like food, the more real it looks the better I love it. Nothing makes me happier than to hear people ask, “Is that soap?”

Yes, it’s fun and functional soap that is great for your skin and for your soul. I like making pamper products. My favorite thing to say at my soap booth is “Just good clean fun over here!” I try to have fun making soap and bath products. It’s good finding new ways to shape it into happy shower times for everyone.

** If you would like to offer UpamperU soaps and pamper products in your store, just let us know. We offer excellent wholesale prices and also do consignment.